
If you are unfamiliar with the term 여자알바 kyabakura (portmanteau of Japanese pronunciations for cabaret and club ), it is essentially where men pay good money to drink alcohol and have conversations with beautiful women. Girls bars, or hostess clubs — known in Japanese as kiyabakura kyabakura — are little, dimly lit rooms with comfortable booths where you can sit, drink, and chat with the women who work there.

At these bars, you will spend time drinking as you talk with the hostess about daily things, or things you are interested in. In these types of establishments, men enjoy drinking while being with the younger hostess. The hosts at these clubs offer an amusement for older men, who do not like the very young girls, but rather women who are closer to their own age.

A staple of Tokyos nightlife, the hosts clubs provide men and women with an opportunity to immerse themselves in fantasies in which they are a cooler, attractive, more humorous, successful, charismatic version of themselves. Essentially, host clubs are places people go to get drunk at lavish venues, and get a chance to engage in extended conversations with men and women. In some host clubs, hostesses will engage in fascinating activities such as singing or playing indoor games in order to help guests distract from their work, hear about all of their life problems, or engage in meaningful conversations.

A hostess club is an establishment in which the hostesses, or the cabaret girls, go out on location at a guests table and offer drinks, engaging them in conversation while drinking along. The hosts here are called cabaret girls who come to the customers table and serve drinks while engaging them in conversation and drinking with them. Keep in mind that these places have tons of returning customers and regular customers because the hosts and beautiful Japanese girls can entertain you quite well just by talking.

At Kabakura, you get something called the downtime, which is when they dim all of the lights in the club, and a beautiful Japanese girl sits down with you. You will likely be sitting on the bar, possibly a sofa, and a couple other beautiful Japanese girls, typically about 30+, will sit there talking with you, pouring you drinks, laughing at your jokes. At the Foreign Hostess Club, the girls will all be either half-Japanese or totally foreign (go figure).

The permissiveness seems a little bit softer in the foreign hostess clubs, but the restrictions are up to the girls and what they are willing to do. You are welcome to join the clubs in foreign hosts, and there are Asian and Western girls there. Particularly with the case of the foreign hostess clubs, sometimes foreign couples are brought to a pub without realizing that this is in fact a hostess club.

Unlike girls bars, if you cannot hold a conversation, then enjoying the hostess club is harder. Not every hostess club and house would let a foreigner drop in alone, particularly if you do not speak Japanese — communication is key to the experience, after all.

Hosts are the male equivalent to hosts, they are male performers with women paying to have their company, though usually they are not visiting post-work nomikais with their colleagues as a hostess club may be.

Generally, however, there is no system to request a particular hostesss company, like in kyabakura, making these shops closer to what is known in the country as the lounge. There are more casual versions of these types of venues, like stand-up comedy clubs called kyabakura, snack bars, and such. You can find casual versions of Host clubs, like girls bars, snack bars, just about everywhere you go in Japan.

Alongside the snack bars are what are called girls bars — the name comes from the fact that staff members are usually young women in their 20s.

Generally speaking, the snack bar, as well as its cousins, girls bars and kyabakura, are distinguished from the standard drink spots by the focus of entertainment. A snack bar (sunatsukuba, sunakku ba), or simply the snack, refers to a type of bartenders cafe, a drinking bar where women employees are employed and paid to service and flirt with male customers.

Unlike the considerably more flirtatious services of establishments like the Kyabakura, or cabaret bar, and hostess bars, interactions are usually conducted at the bar, rather than while sitting near the customer, a crucial distinction according to Japanese law. Kyabakura hostsesses often also employ a female bartender, typically highly trained in mixing, and who can also serve as manager or mamasan[citation needed]. While hostess bars in Tokyo usually have designated men outside the venue attracting customers into their clubs, it is common for a few hosts to go outside the venue looking for customers, called a sasaengi (kiyatsuchi, kyatchi), but they are often younger, less experienced hosts.

Yuki says some of the customers are also people working in the restaurants and clubs in the neighborhood the hosts are patronizing (it is very common for people in Japan to reciprocally patronize each others businesses). The hostesses club where one of my friends works has mainly Filipino girls working there, including two mommies running the place. It depends on the hostess club, but one of the places my friend works at a friend of mine says the girls have to make at least 30000 RMB (approx.

The girls bars will often have Karaoke available at extra cost (my friends club charges 1000Y=-approx. There are plenty of places and bars that offer sensual dancing, stripping, and even one bar that is this style, you can get your butts on six hostesses.